Basic Skills Needed by the Students: Advancing Internship Applications

July 22, 2021
by: Ma. Eliza Margarita E. Magkasi, Ph.D.

Just when we thought that we can manage the pandemic since vaccines are already available, a new variant was discovered which is more contagious and has severe effects. Nobody can predict when the pandemic will be over or what the new normal will finally be. One thing is for sure, as per CHED, it will not be the same as before. Thus, we need to accept the fact that flexible learning is here to stay. Virtual learning and work from home will be part of the new normal.

In my past 15 years in the academe, we have been trying to bridge the gap between the academe and the industry by integrating the needed skills in the curriculum so that when the students join the workforce, they will be able to survive the tough competition and demands of the industry. The subjects are enriched with different activities and topics that will prepare the students for the future. However, did the students become work-ready with all those curriculum enhancements implemented by the schools?
Today, with my experience in deploying students internationally and virtually for their training, I have witnessed that there are basic skills that the students should learn before they apply for their internship. Regardless of the discipline, all should be able to perform the following basic tasks to be competent and competitive:

1. Research and Data Entry
Students should be proficient in the use of MS Office particularly Word and Excel. In business, research may include data gathering, historical data analysis, and market and sales analysis. To conduct these researches and generate the needed information for the decision-making of the company, MS Excel is a must. Some students can perform the basic operations in MS Excel but very few would know how to use the pivot table, concatenate, VLOOKUP, and some other formula that is needed by the industry to make research and data entry more efficient.

2. Graphic Design
Merriam Webster defines graphic design as the “art or profession of using design elements (such as typography and images) to convey information or create an effect”. Many companies look for social media marketing interns since this is one of the tasks that can be done virtually. I am glad that almost all of the students know how to use different applications to create a poster, invitation, banner, and other materials related to it. Some of the common applications used are Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Canva. But learning how to use the application is not enough. The students should also tap their creative and artistic side to create a design that will achieve the ultimate purpose of the material, that is to engage its target market.

3. Video editing
The use of video editing applications is now easy because of the user-friendly and free downloadable applications available for both computer and mobile phone platforms. However, it is not enough that students know how to use these applications. In video editing, it is important that they also know how to prepare the content. Similar to poster creation, content is very important. Duration and transition should also be considered. The average length of a TV commercial is 15 seconds. However, these may vary depending on the content as long as the video does not bore the viewers.

4. Content Writing
A student should be able to prepare a write-up on the given topic. To accomplish this task, the student must be a good reader, has critical and analytical thinking, can conduct research, has organized thoughts, and can look at different perspectives. As observed, not many students now would like to read, are very spontaneous, and tend to have a negative outlook. They easily follow the stand of the majority and do not analyze the matter at hand.

For the students to develop the basic technical skills needed to perform these tasks, schools should give performance tasks and exams where these outputs will be required. Schools may also enhance their curriculum by adding these topics to their subject. The use of the latest technology and applications are very important since international companies adapt fast to the latest trends. However, aside from schools integrating topics and activities in their curriculum, it is also highly encouraged that the students teach themselves through the use of the tutorials available online.

In addition to the basic technical skills, schools should continue to impart soft skills such as being a team player, flexible, adaptable, and time-conscious.

1. Team Player
Companies allow the students to perform the tasks as a team. No student should let others perform the task without any contribution. Companies know if the output is done by a team or by only a few members. If schools are used to accepting any output of the student whether it is poorly done or well done, in the industry, they will only accept the output that is done correctly and accurately according to their given instructions. There is no room for error. Otherwise, students will keep on repeating the task, or worst, assign it to others. When tasks are re-assigned, it means the incompetence of the worker.

2. Flexible
Once students submit their resumes, they should be ready for an interview anytime. They cannot argue or complain of the short notice. The slots for internships are limited. Thus, it is a take it or leave it invitation. The company will never wait for anyone as many students are applying for the same spot. Moreover, if students are used to complaining about anything whenever they feel pressured, in the industry, such is never tolerated. They need to accept whatever task was given to them that is related to the company’s operations, and follow the practices of the company otherwise, they are always free to leave.

3. Adaptable
Students should be ready to adapt to the international culture and practices such as calling people on a first-name basis even if they are their superiors. Any word that pertains to genders such as Mr. or Miss, age such as kid, or religion such as saying God Bless are avoided. Usually, employees including the heads and owners prefer to be called by their first name or initials. They even avoid being called by their titles such as Dr. or Atty. However, different companies in different countries also have varying preferences. It is always best to ask how they want to be addressed.

4. Time-Conscious
Companies follow a time frame in their tasks. Some even have a Gantt chart. The students should also learn to follow this and not complain if the timelines are short. Again, in the industry, you cannot complain unless there are valid reasons. Also, students should always be ahead at least 5 minutes before the called meeting. Company meetings will start with or without the student. They will not repeat what has been discussed for a latecomer. Tardiness is not tolerated. If for some valid reason the student cannot attend the meeting or perform the task, they should be able to inform the company.

Schools can help their students develop these soft skills by carefully selecting the tasks that will be given to the students and being strict in its implementation such as abiding by the due date set and avoiding extensions unless there is a valid reason, returning poorly prepared output, and giving grades based on a higher standard. Also, schools should treat the students professionally and avoid calling them any words aside from their names. In the professional world, nobody calls their employees “anak.” Moreover, some teachers are lenient to their students and politicizing for them to receive good evaluation reports. Schools should be open-minded in interpreting the qualitative and quantitative ratings. Not all low evaluation means poor teaching performance. Some get a low evaluation because they are strictly implementing policies that will make the students ready to join the industry. All should be in the same direction and share the same stand. Do not let the industry inculcate these skills to the students after graduation. Bridging the gap starts with the academe supported by the industry.

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