About Us

EFAM Training Consultancy Services was registered on July 9, 2019, by its Managing Director, Ma. Eliza Margarita E. Magkasi, Ph.D., an academician with more than 20 years of management experience in colleges and universities; and its Managing Partner, Ferdinand C. Magkasi, MHRM, a Human Resource practitioner and academician with more than 30 years of management experience. The main thrust of EFAM in its initial years was to help Filipino students become globally competitive. Part of its mission was to assist students in gaining skills and knowledge in their chosen fields through local and international internships at a reasonable price.

EFAM Training started with partners in China and Japan for student internships in the fields of agriculture, hotel, and food technology. It also provided business consultancy services to its international partners to further explore the Philippine market and help improve the lives of Filipinos by providing opportunities abroad. In March 2020, when the pandemic hit, the international borders closed their doors to student interns, and international deployments to Japan and China were halted. EFAM Training did not proceed with its deployment of Agriculture students from Tarlac Agricultural University to Japan and Hospitality Management students from Central Luzon State University to China. In September 2020, select international companies opened their doors to virtual interns. The first virtual deployment happened in December 2020 when National University – Baliwag students were deployed to Globetrotter TV and Channel Philippines Network in the United Kingdom, and United Nation World Peace Association in Japan. In February 2021, EFAM Training introduced the local training, SHS Online Immersion and Virtual Industrial Psychology training, to expose more students to the local industry standards and practices. In August 2023, the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines allowed onsite international internships through the Student Internship Abroad Program (SIAP). This prompted EFAM Training to promote SIAP to students for internships in China, Japan, and Thailand. Primary degree programs that can have their internships are Tourism and Hospitality Management, Education, Nursing, and Caregiving Services. 

With the achievement of its initial vision and mission after five years of operations through the trust and confidence of all its partner schools and companies, EFAM Training expanded its reach. In celebration of its fifth anniversary, EFAM Training updated its vision and mission which aims to open its doors for international schools to avail of its Student Internship Abroad Program (SIAP) in China, Japan, and Thailand. EFAM Training continues to add more degree programs that can experience international internships so that many students can enjoy the opportunities to learn the language, culture, and business operations of other countries. 


EFAM Training envisions itself as an excellent provider of international internships and experiences by connecting the academe and the industry so that the students will be equipped with the life skills to gain employment successfully.


Ma. Eliza Margarita E. Magkasi, Ph.D.
Managing Director

Other Affiliations
United Nation World Peace Association, Japan
-Affiliate in International Conference Event Organization

University of Santo Tomas
-External Graduate Committee Member, Graduate School 

Previous Philippine Affiliations
Colegio de San Juan de Letran
-Area Chair, Hospitality Management

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc.
-Dean, College of Hospitality & Tourism Management

Far Eastern University
-Director, Admissions & Financial Assistance
-Manager, Logistics Services

Jose Rizal University
-Dean, College of Hospitality & Tourism Management

University of Santo Tomas
-Asst. Professor, College of  Tourism & Hospitality Management

Ferdinand C. Magkasi, MHRM
Managing Partner

Other Affiliations
United Nation World Peace Association, Japan
-Affiliate in International Conference Event Organization

University of Santo Tomas Hospital
-Head, Human Resource Department

University of Santo Tomas Hospital Credit Cooperative
-Executive Director

University of Santo Tomas
-Instructor, AB Behavioral Science


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