Reflection on Interns’ Experience and Their Recommendations to Schools

November 15, 2021
by: Ma. Eliza Margarita E. Magkasi, Ph.D.

Virtual internships started during the pandemic. Schools implemented various modes of virtual internship such as school-based and industry-based. Some of the school-based virtual internships include project development, business development, case writing, and analysis, and return demo videos while some of the industry-based virtual internships include module-based programs and virtual deployment in local and international companies. Today we will reflect on the recommendations of some interns who availed of the international virtual internship program to learn the industry while staying at home. We intend to use this reflection to help the schools prepare the next interns whether virtual or actual deployment.

1. Schools should partner with companies that will offer tasks related to the degree program of the interns.
Most of the interns said that their school should select carefully where they will be deployed virtually to ensure that the company or tasks are related to their program. I understand that there are schools that allow virtual internships that will enhance not only the skills of the interns that are related to the degree program but also the other skills that they use in their extracurricular activities. These schools train their students to become a jack of all trades which means that the students should be multi-skilled so that there will be a higher chance of getting employed or finding ways to earn money, especially amidst the pandemic. It was published recently that the unemployment rate of the Philippines is at 8.9% ( Interns should be thankful because their school allowed them to enhance not only the skills that they learned in their program but also their other skills that will make them competitive in the industry.

In international companies, some tasks can be done regardless of the degree program such as social media marketing and administrative tasks. As long as the intern is knowledgeable in any photo and video editing applications as well as MS Office applications, they can be accepted. There are employees too whose degree programs are not related to their current job. Some of their reasons are they followed their interest, the trend to be able to survive the competition, or for some, their program is not really what they want so after graduation they pursued their dream. Anyway, all students were given the free will to apply to different companies for their virtual internships. I strongly suggest that the interns take full responsibility for their decision and not point out to the school the fault if they find their decision erroneous in the end.

2. Schools should offer subjects that are needed by the industry.
Some of the interns found themselves not proficient in the use of MS Office, Canva, and other editing applications. Some of the IT interns also found themselves not familiar with the web programs used by the industry such as WordPress. I agree with the interns’ recommendation. Schools should establish an active partnership with their alumni or industry partners to know the recent technologies and applications used. It is not enough that the schools know the latest in the industry. They must also train their faculty members so that the knowledge can be transferred to the students.

3. Focus on communication skills.
Some interns found themselves unable to understand well the words used by the international countries such as the expressions used in the United Kingdom. Also, some interns found it difficult to express themselves because they are not used to communicating in English. I too noticed the communication problem during the interview. Only a few would be able to express themselves in English confidently. Thus, the interns suggested that the schools should focus on improving the communication skills of the students who wish to join the international internship. I believe that schools have been campaigning the use of the English language. However, it is up to the students how they will take advantage of each class meeting to improve their communication skills. Thus, this recommendation goes to the students because it is for their development.

4. Organize seminars that will show the overview of the industry to the students.
The interns recommended the organization of seminars to prepare them for the industry. Schools have been very active in creating events and seminars to prepare the students for the real world. During the pandemic, webinars became the trend so the students will learn from the industry while staying at home. However, not all students take these opportunities seriously. The recommendation then should go to the students who would like to succeed in the industry whether local or international. They should attend the webinars and activities organized by their school for them to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitude when they have their internship.

Most of the recommendations of the interns are already performed by the schools. However, they fail to understand the reasons why schools are implementing such policies like the use of the English language, and the organization of various webinars and activities. They also did not take advantage of the opportunities provided to them while they are in school. It will be best if the schools will always inform the students of the objectives of each of the activities and policies which is related to their preparation for the industry.


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